Repurposing Old Chenille to Create Beautiful Toddler Bedspread
Parker’s almost 3 and has recently out-grown her crib. A while back we introduced her to a “big girl” mattress to see if she was done with her crib. After a few nights, she opted to move back into the bed she’s slept in since birth.
Recently however, she’s indicated that she’d like to start sleeping in a big girl bed. I want to make a big deal of the event. So, Shon has been working to retrofit an antique cast iron bed that my dad and mom restored and gave to me as a Birthday present when I turned 16. I’ll write a blog about this project next.
And, I’ve been busy making Parker’s bedspread. I decided to use two old chenille quilts that I found at a weekend flea market for $5 each because they are ridden with holes.
My plan is to cut out quilt squares that feature some of the beautiful chenille features, but avoid holes. I’ve cut out a few and so far things are going well.
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