Category: Uncategorized (page 4 of 26)

Stretching Yourself Is OK … Within Reason


As this wise tea bag quote states, it is OK to “bite off more than you can chew.” But, only if it does not have a negative impact on you or those you love.

A year ago I began a Masters of Mass Communications through South Dakota State University. With it came the wonderful opportunity to teach a Journalism Senior Seminar. I loved teaching. I enjoyed the classes I took. But, juggling everything, while working fulltime was a balancing act I could only do for one semester.

My body needs about eight hours of sleep to function. My mind needs about eight hours of sleep to remain sane. Well, 4:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. days filled with work don’t bode well for achieving either sleep or sanity. So, I decided to take the summer off. Then, the fall semester. Then, spring semester.

Before I knew it, a year passed and I was only two classes closer to getting my masters than I had been when I began the process.

Then, one day this fall, it donned on me, that if I didn’t teach, and all I added to my fulltime work schedule was one class a semester, I could do it.

Well, I’m six weeks in, and it’s going great!

Better than great I should say, because I’ve begun working on my final master’s project: Developing a PR campaign to promote and encourage a positive perception of preserving properties found within Sioux Falls historic districts.

And, because it’s a passion project, instead of dreading homework, I look forward to it. This project energizes and excites me. In fact, I have to be careful not to pour too much of myself into it.

So, although I don’t have as much time to accomplish everything, I have enough time outside of work for the people and activities I enjoy the most.

And, about this time next year, I’ll be just one class away from a Masters of Mass Communications degree.

Best Christmas Gift Finds of 2016

Best 2016 Christmas Finds




Shopping year-round for gifts at estate sales, thrift shops and local retailers makes for fun and easy holiday gift-giving. These are some of my favorite finds for the 2016 Christmas season.



inside graphics

Books are always a win among my family. My husband, Shon is really into dictionaries – so when I found this complete set of vintage DIY dictionaries at an estate sale this summer (not to mention on the half-off day!) I snapped them up. Along with useful information, the books also feature fun graphics – also a win with Shon who is a graphic designer.

Little guy

A friend of mine collects small wooden Christmas tree ornaments.  I think she will love this little man. Maybe not as much as my daughter, Parker, will love the large collection of Barbie paper dolls, circa 1990s that I discovered when going through some tubs in our basement this summer. They were mine . And although I don’t know who is getting the horn – it will make a great accessory when supporting our favorite teams!

A little bit about the Paige-Jewett Motor Company building


Paige Jewett

OK, I have walked by this building for years and would have never guessed that it was originally built to house 125 cars as the Paige-Jewett Motor Company.  According to the documentation, the building still has its original elevator, designed to move cars between floors.

I also read that in the early 20th Century, Sioux Falls was the place to go when making an auto purchase – the first auto dealership listed in the city was listed in 1903.

As of 7:30 tonight, I’ve written three walking tour blurbs – only 3 to go. I can’t wait to go on this tour and read what others have written!

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