Author: admin (page 6 of 10)

In 2013 I’m trying to come up with more creative crafts to do with a 2-year-old. Parker loves this!

Resetting Resolutions

I’m a planner. I love nothing more than making lists and crossing accomplished tasks off those lists. Which is why every New Year’s, I look forward to setting resolutions.

Jan. 1 my list looked something like this:

  1. Be a fun mom 
  2. Workout four days a week
  3. Eat more fruits and vegetables
  4. Read one book a month
  5. Start using Twitter & blog regularly
  6. Provide the best customer service possible to clients

The first three weeks in January I was off to a good start. Then influenza struck and life went into survival mode – which means care for Parker, meet deadlines and go to bed (did I mention my husband was out of town for work for a week during this time!)

So, now that I have my energy back, I’ve resolved to reset my resolutions. Therefore, I’ll be blogging on a regular basis. I’m eager to hear feedback from readers about your life and finds.

A weekend spent with college friends was uplifting and fun!

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