I began hanging paintable wallpaper in our parlor Sunday night, and as I was struggling along, a saying my Great-Granny Mary used to say came to mind. “Growing old ain’t for sissies!” Or, in my case, “Hanging wallpaper isn’t for sissies!” or any sane person!!!!
The DIY project began after a trip to Benjamin Moore for all the supplies. Thankfully they have a kids’ table with crayons, so I could ask for advice without paying attention to Parker (side note: Parker loves the kids’ table so much that both times we’ve visited the Minnesota & 41st location I’ve had to drag a tantruming toddler from the small showroom!)
Upon the advice of the store’s owner, I then watched several instructional YouTube videos. They all stressed the importance of starting with a straight line and patience. I knew when the “P” word was thrown out that I was in trouble – I’m not patient. But, I thought, “I can do anything I put my mind to – right?”
So I began and the first four pieces went up easy peasy – then I absolutely under no circumstance could I get a piece to go on strait!!! After trying to re-hang it several times, the piece stuck to itself too long and tore. I tried a new piece, I didn’t work.
Then, Shon suggested I try a plumb line instead of a level – my patience had given out so I’m waiting until after July 4 to try again – we’ll see what happens with this new method. The only good news is since this is paintable wallpaper; some sin will be covered up with paint and primer.
Here is a close up view of the wallpaper pattern. We’ll paint this once I’m done hanging it.
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