A few weeks ago when Kevin, the upholster who refinished and reupholstered Shon’s great-great aunt Frieda’s parlor furniture AND built our ottoman, delivered the ottoman, he asked me if I had any extra fabric.
I said I would know as soon as I was finished making the curtains.
A few weeks later he texted to see if I had extra fabric for a “surprise.” I said that I didn’t but I could easily pick up some more – he asked for 1 yard.
I was curious – “was Kevin making a pillow?” Then a few days later he asked me how to spell my name, Shon’s name and Parker’s name. My curiosity mounted. However, I had no idea, and could have never expected what an amazing surprise he had in store for us.
Saturday night Kevin and his wife, Deb, stopped over with this beautiful rocker he built and upholstered just for Parker! It is truly an heirloom piece!
Kevin’s gift is one of several we’ve been blessed with throughout this entire home remodel.
Joe Meier our contractor – on his own time – used his paint sprayer to paint our kitchen cabinet doors, my dining room chairs and living room bookshelves for us. Joe painting these things for us is a HUGE deal. Not only does it look perfect – no drips – but with a toddler the only time I can paint is after Parker goes to bed at 7 – which, after getting up at 5 a.m. to work, makes for a really long day!
I asked Dawn Bures, an interior designer I’ve met several times through home articles, if I could pay her for a few hours of her time to help me solve a few decorating dilemmas. She stopped over for a few hours Friday and totally transformed my living room – specifically she came up with the idea to put two trunks side-by-side to add substance. I originally had one long low trunk in running parallel to my couches. It was too far from either couch to serve a purpose and looked lonely.
She pulled a second trunk that was sitting in storage behind my couch, and positioned both trunks perpendicular to the two couches. Using a few accessories I had, she united the two trunks. I really like her eye! She said we could do a trade out. I’m going to make curtains for her sometime.