Through my work as a freelance journalist I am blessed with days that are never the same – filled with sources who share stories and information that broaden my knowledge-base and an ever increasing curiosity.
A few days ago while working on some articles about the South Dakota Agriculture Heritage Museum I found myself on the campus of my alma mater – South Dakota State University and touring the museum’s many collections with a staff of enthusiastic curators.
Because of my love for all things old – and a good story – I was in heaven! The curators are so passionate about their work to preserve all things connected to South Dakota’s agriculture history, which includes many household items, that our conversations often veered from the articles’ initial focus to details on how they procured items or cleaned items or stored items.
One thing I learned is that most items are on display thanks to generous donations. Moving forward, anytime I want to part with an antique that I no longer have space for, I will contact them or other museums to see if I can donate the piece. This summer I ended up giving away several primitive, wooden handled kitchen items that didn’t sell at my rummage sale away just because I didn’t want to bring them home. Now I wish I’d contacted the Ag Heritage Museum because they have several household displays.